A Different Path

Each year, I've made it a tradition to pen down a guiding note, setting the tone for the coming months. Previously, these notes centered around reshaping my relationship with social media or changing how I handle feedback. Yet, this year has proven a challenge as I struggled to pinpoint a single focus, a specific concept to guide me.

For someone who thrives on lists and clear directions, this uncertainty is unfamiliar territory. However, upon reflection on what truly matters as 2024 begins, I've realized that perhaps lacking a defined path might actually be a positive thing.😉

One of the significant lessons from 2023 was understanding that while large financial gains are nice, it's not my top priority. Last year, Anna and I revamped the Marketing Agency by bringing in an Agency Director to handle day-to-day operations. 

This decision, while impactful and rewarding, did affect our finances. Despite the challenges, it allowed us to prioritize other important aspects – I got married, Anna celebrated a decade of marriage, I spent a month traveling around Europe to see family, and Anna moved to a remote 200 year old Norwegian Farm House.

In the past, uncertainty might have unsettled me, but last year, I found comfort in my choices. I acknowledge that I haven't entirely mapped it all out, that financial fluctuations happen, but what truly matters to me are other aspects: working on inspiring projects, building something meaningful, collaborating with incredible people, spreading good energy, and dedicating time to loved ones. It won't always be a smooth journey, yet it's a path I'm contentedly traversing. 

This year, my goals are not merely checkpoints but pathways to explore new territories—personally and professionally.

  • Prioritize time with family and friends: It's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of daily routines and deadlines. Yet, the most fulfilling moments always stem from connections with loved ones. I aim to carve out dedicated moments with the people that enrich my life.

  • Take a vacation with my husband: While we often travel together it’s normally for an event or to visit family and while these are always great times I would love to put the time aside to make some memories outside the ordinary. 

  • Take days away from my laptop and phone to creatively think about projects: The majority of my working day feels like constant connectivity, while true creativity often thrives in silence. I want to detach more from screens, allowing my mind the space to wander, explore, and come up with fresh ideas for projects, unbound by digital distractions.

  • Work on projects that keep me creatively challenged: Comfort breeds complacency, and I want to venture into uncharted creative territories. Just because I’ve had success with one style of work doesn’t mean I want to always be defined by that. It’s time to get a little uncomfortable.  

  • Spend more time in real life with our team and clients: while I work remotely (and see huge value in that), it’s the times when our team gets together and has the difficult conversations that push us forward.  

  • Let others take the lead: Collaboration isn’t solely about sharing workload; it’s a pathway to collective growth. In relinquishing control (not always easy for me), I hope to learn from different perspectives, nurture more of a team dynamic and encourage individual growth. It’s time to stop thinking that it would just be easier if I just did it, and instead trust others more. 

  • Become known for my POV on social media marketing and working remotely: In this busy landscape, establishing a unique voice is daunting. I want to share my insights, experiences, and perspectives, with the aim of meaningfully contributing to this space. While I’m comfortable with public speaking I’ve always been more comfortable being within a crowd when it comes to that (awful) term ‘self promotion’. I’ve realized that training others is something that really motivates me. With that in mind I would like to find a way to ‘put myself out there’ without feeling like I’m constantly cringing. This will be a tough one… 

So, as I step into the new year, I'm embracing the notion that this path might not always be easy, but it will certainly be intriguing – and that's more than enough for me.


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